Type of Meeting: Initial Meeting Logistics Committee
Date: October 08 of 2009
Venue: Business School of Education (EEE)
Time: 13:15
Attendees: Catalina Montoya
Edwin Alberto
Freddy Badillo
Jonny Asprilla
Alejandra Elorza
Paula Agudelo
Andres Castano
Carolina Ospina
Daniel Bustamante
We start the meeting after reading the previous record by Catalina Montoya, and reports that were sent the letters to the committees, in addition inform the representative Johana organizational group was the only one Community and informed that he wanted nothing. Need the academic committee of the snack and lunch for the speaker. The social committee reports that did not receive another e-mail and provided.
We are informed that this day should be completed especially for this exhibition and to lend us a laptop.
Andres reports that for the realization of the event must have a permit from the mayor by the magnitude of this, announced that the theater has a cost of $ 6,200,000 which includes all silletería, electronic equipment and tables.
It also communicates that this value does not include security, but should talk with the national police, civil defense and fire to be informed and wary of this event.
After the congress will be held a cocktail that has a value of $ 2,200,000, Andres us to know the permits and regulations that must be known for an event of this magnitude (Exhibit No. 1).
The tutor Zeneida Hinestroza step by the group to review the developments, welcomes and informs us that we are on track.
Among all started doing the calculations to know how many companies should be invited.
Auditorium Capacity: 963 people.
85%: 818 people.
65%: 490 people.
If you are 10 people per company, should be invited: 49 companies.
But the companies invited only 60% will therefore have to invite 18 companies to be completed over 65% of the attendees.
In conclusion it must invite 67 companies to attend must be 670 people and the general public the rest of the ticket that would be 293.
Catalina reports that the card is already translated and they are all translated is sent to the tutor. We present the letter. (Exhibit No. 2)
Jonathan is delegated to Edwin and Daniel to perform the format of delivery control elements for other committees.
Andrea and Jonny is responsible for answering those reported to other committees.
Erika Alejandra Carolina and began fingering of the letters to suppliers, committees and responses.
Catalina, Paula and Freddy began to organize the report.
As at 15:00, took a recess of half an hour.
We returned at 15:30 and continue with the charge. At 16:00 hours, presented the draft letter to vendors and consistency errors were corrected. The format of the letter (Annex 3)
Edwin, Jonathan and Daniel presented the draft format elements delivery control, and Catalina is responsible for passing it to the computer. (Exhibit No. 4).
After seeing that the work was already advanced, and given that the social and communications committee had not answered anything, we went to talk directly to each committee. The reported social implements they needed, while the communications reported that they had not received anything.
The letter was carried out to budget based on what we had and what they need if the other groups. It organizes the letter. (Exhibit No. 5).
17:00 As the section is interrupted by a group discussion, which concluded that it was all for lack of communication. The appointment to an academic committee meeting of representatives to evaluate and conclude.
Section is finished at 17:30.
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